Read between the lines

Nov 16, 20202 min

Organisational top tips-

This post sits dutifully alongside my Instagram post where I explain how I plan- check it out here!

So now you know all about how I organise my time here are my top tips for planning-

- Treat planning as a task in its own right-

Set aside time each day to have a look at what needs doing tomorrow as well as a time at the start or end of each week to see what is in store for the week ahead. Having a dedicated 15 minutes a day or an hour each week allows you to stick to a time to organise rather than become overwhelmed and try and salvage a plan from nothing.

-Get fancy stationery that makes you smile-

The right stationery does wonders! I particularly love scouring Etsy for beautiful planners and pens as it makes organisation that much easier! If you have products you love and want to keep looking lush then you're more inclined to plan because you want to use them!

-Keep to a routine-

A routine in terms of setting aside time to organise isn't the only important thing here! By routine, I mean a weekly routine- when do you do certain things? Write it down! Do you start and finish work at certain times? Write it down! Keeping a routine in life makes planning your time easier as before you even begin planning you will understand when you are free and when you usually can carry out certain tasks.

-Have a space to write down any 'extra' tasks-

Throughout the day things inevitably come up- keep something nearby you where you can write down additional thoughts that come to you during the day. This way you can plan these in when you are finished with the task at hand rather than worrying about having no time to do them.

Hope this helps! For more content like this check out my other blog posts.